Will the EU “meme ban” affect Australian copyright law?
14 April 2019
The EU's "meme ban" has been the cause of a lot of controversy across the global internet. What effects might it have on Australian creators?
Should you DIY your IP protection?
28 March 2019
Don't make the mistake of thinking IP protection is as simple as filing online. An experienced IP attorney protects you against legal woes now and down the line.
Alder IP named Full Service IP Law Firm of the Year in Australia
22 March 2019
Alder IP are thrilled to be named 2019's Full Service IP Law Firm of the Year in Australia, in the Corporate INTL Magazine Global Awards.
How can you dispute the registration of a business name similar to yours?
15 March 2019
No one wants to discover that someone is imitating their brand, especially if it's losing them business. How can you protect your business name?
Who owns the copyright to a photograph?
11 March 2019
Whether you're a photographer of the subject of a photo, it pays to know what your rights to an image are. Let's break them down.
The economics of intellectual property rights
15 February 2019
Intellectual property laws were created with strong economic justifications to back them up. What is the economic reasoning behind patents and trademarks?
How are provisional, PCT and standard patents different?
30 January 2019
In registering a patent, there are a number of terms you'll encounter, such as standard patents, PCTs and provisionals. What are the differences between them?
Who applies for the most trade marks in Australia?
18 January 2019
With the release of IP Australia's 2018 report on the industry, we can see the recurring and new trends in our intellectual property sphere.
Why are non-disclosure agreements important for IP?
14 December 2018
Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are an essential tool when bringing your intellectual property to the commerical development phase.
Can you patent an idea in Australia and how do you do it?
14 December 2018
If you have an idea you want to use commercially and exclusively, how do you do it? With a patent. Here's how the application process works.