Disney just patented a soft robot that can interact with kids
10 April 2017
Imagine Disney world with robots, not people, dressed up as Minne and Mickey Mouse. Check out Disney's new patent for the soft robot.
Get a patent and reap the benefits of your creativity
18 March 2017
If you're the creative genius behind a popular new product, you'll want to protect that intellectual property. Get a patent today.
Could mediation help you resolve a messy IP dispute?
16 March 2017
Are you mired in a bitter dispute over your company's intellectual property? You may need to go through mediation to resolve it.
In Australia, there’s a wide range of patent opportunities
15 March 2017
Some people have a limited interpretation of what you can and can't patent in Australia. In reality, you have a wide range of IP protection options.
Will anyone object to your application for a patent?
11 March 2017
A patent is a great way to protect your intellectual property - but what if someone doesn't want you to have one? The resulting dispute can potentially get messy.
Are you prepared for the rigours of the patent process?
10 March 2017
Are you considering patenting your latest product idea? It's an option, but be forewarned that this process can be expensive and time-consuming.
Design protection can add significant value to your business
10 March 2017
If your company has distinctive designs that add to the value of your brand, you'll want to protect that value by registering your intellectual property.
Got a brilliant product idea? Protect it right away
10 March 2017
If you've got a great idea for a new invention, you'll want to protect it from being stolen. This is where a patent can be immensely valuable to you.
Protect your creative works by getting them copyrighted
10 March 2017
If you spend your time making any kind of creative work, you want to be protected against people stealing it without credit. That's what a copyright is for.
How can you protect your copyright under Australian law?
03 March 2017
Intellectual property theft is a little trickier to prove in Australia than in other countries. That doesn't mean it can't be done.