Protect your creative works by getting them copyrighted
10 March 2017
If you spend your time making any kind of creative work, you want to be protected against people stealing it without credit. That's what a copyright is for.
How can you protect your copyright under Australian law?
03 March 2017
Intellectual property theft is a little trickier to prove in Australia than in other countries. That doesn't mean it can't be done.
Writing a killer proposal to secure grant money for your business
02 March 2017
Are you looking to secure grant money to support your growing business? Draw up a game plan that will help you make that happen.
Securing the funding you need to support your new business
01 March 2017
Starting a new business may seem exciting, but it's not possible until you first secure the funding you need. This can be a challenge.
IP laws in Australia are pretty strict – can your business take advantage?
01 March 2017
Are intellectual property laws in Australia too strong, or not strong enough? This is a question the country has long been grappling with.
How might copyright laws soon become more lax in Australia?
14 February 2017
The Australian Government Productivity Commission recently alleged that Australian copyright laws are too strong. How might they change in the future?
Protect your intellectual property well – both at home and abroad
14 February 2017
It's always important to protect your intellectual property. This is true both for sellers domestically in Australia as well as internationally.
What’s the state of the ongoing ‘copyright wars’ in Australia?
09 February 2017
It's an ongoing struggle in Australia to devise copyright laws that are fair for everyone. The public and private sectors alike are still working to find that balance.
Your international trade marks won’t necessarily cross over to Australia
08 February 2017
Building a successful global brand requires having full control over your intellectual property. In Australia, that can be a challenge.
Movie industry starting to crack down on piracy in Australia
07 February 2017
The movie industry is starting to crack down against illegal downloaders. The studios' goal is to defend the intellectual property that's rightfully theirs.