At Alder IP, we work tirelessly to provide our clients with the best possible service in intellectual property law. Whether they're looking to figure out the logistical details of a new patent or resolve a dispute with someone infringing on their intellectual property, we want to deliver personalised service that meets everyone's needs.
Corporate INTL, a legal magazine in the UK, chose us as the best patent firm in Australia. We're proud of this distinction.
It's gratifying, therefore, to get some recognition for the work we do. For instance, we recently received an honor from Corporate INTL, a legal magazine in the UK, which chose us as the best patent firm in Australia. We're proud of this distinction, and we plan to continue working hard in the coming year to back it up.
What are the Corporate INTL Awards?
Corporate INTL Awards are meant to celebrate those companies who have been the most successful in their industries – for example, patent law in Australia – in the last 12 months. Corporate INTL looks for companies that have shown not only expertise in their fields, but also an ability to deliver exceptional customer service.
The winners of Corporate INTL's annual awards are announced in a special issue of the publication. This has been a running feature since 2008, and past winners include some of the largest law and accountancy practices in the world as well as boutique firms.
How were we chosen?
Corporate INTL uses a rigorous research process to vet any and all possible candidates for its annual awards. When it came to finding the best firm for intellectual property law in Australia, the magazine's research and editorial teams worked hard to come up with a short list of five potential winners, then whittled the candidates down from there.
After carefully scrutinising the firms on the final list of nominees, the publication eventually came to choose Alder IP. The selection process included a careful look at each company's location, service type, service range, business type, operating style and level of expertise. An independent awards panel reached the conclusion that Alder IP was the best of the best.
What sets us apart at Alder IP?
A lot of companies could have won this award, but only Alder IP did. Why? Part of it is our mastery of patent registration in Australia, as well as our breadth of knowledge about trade marks, design protection and other intellectual property matters. But we also go the extra mile to ensure we stand out from the crowd.
The key factors that set us apart are our high level of customer service and our ability to find tailored solutions that meet the needs of every client. In addition, we have solid strategies for cost reporting and cost estimation that ensure no one gets any unwanted surprises money-wise. We're proud to be Australia's best when it comes to patent law, and we plan to keep it up in 2017 and beyond.