The life of an inventor or innovator is not always easy. The eureka moments that lead to success can be few and far between, sometimes only arriving after years of trial and error.
There are likely few things more infuriating than finally perfecting an invention, only to run into a stumbling block when you try and protect it under Australian intellectual property law. Fortunately, careful planning and professional advice can go a long way towards a successful patent application.
These are three important mistakes to look out for when you decide to file a patent and commercialise your invention.
Filing for the wrong IP protection
It is absolutely crucial that you apply for the right kind of IP protection.
This goes almost without saying, but it is absolutely crucial that you apply for the right kind of protection. Are you establishing a brand that does with your product? Do you want to protect your inventions appearance as well as its function? These all require different types of IP.
Our free guide to intellectual property can be a great place to learn about the different types of protection and which is most suited to your needs.
Not keeping it a secret
It's easy to forget about the importance of secrecy in light of the thrill of a successful creation, but there can be serious consequences to making your invention public too early. In fact, you could be denied a patent if you sell, discuss or display it publicly before filing an application.
Be smart – keep your invention under wraps until the appropriate time.
Not running a thorough search
A key requirement for being granted a patent is that your invention is new and unique; being too similar to an existing product may prevent a successful application. To avoid this, you should be certain to conduct extensive research to make sure there is no overlap with a currently patented product.
There are two main ways to carry out such a search – on your own or through a third party. An internet search of patent databases can be a good way to save money, but it also requires a significant time investment. A third-party search makes this task much more convenient. If opting for this method, make sure whoever is conducting the search signs a confidentiality agreement, that way your invention is still protected and kept secret.

As noted above, one of the most important steps you can take when it comes time to protect your invention is to seek professional advice. For assistance with registering a patent in Australia, or other IP services, contact us today.