How to Guides

Alder IP has written several guides for companies and people that are interested in protecting their intellectual property.
These free guides are distributed for free. If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to send us an email enquiry.
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These guides are aimed to give people a general background into areas that are important to businesses interested in protecting their intellectual property. We plan to expand the database of guides as the need develops. If you would us to write a short guide to a particular area of IP law or business law, we are happy to help.

Trade Mark Process Flowchart

This flowchart demonstrates the basic process of registering a trade mark in Australia. Please note that the process has been simplified and ignores any third party pre-grant oppositions.

Trade Marks

Trade marks are used to distinguish a business’s goods and services from other traders. Alder IP works with its clients to develop effective protection strategies in relation to logos, slogans, product names and business names. A registered trade mark gives a legally enforceable right to commercially use, license or sell goods and services that it is registered und

Free Guide to Trade Marks

Alder’s IP free guide to Australian Trade Marks gives you and your business some important background into the importance of trade mark protection. The guide also gives you some background into how the trade mark registration process operates in Australia. There are numerous strategies that can be used to maximise your trade mark value.

Free Guide to Intellectual Property

Alder’s IP free guide to Intellectual Property gives you and your business some important background into the importance of intellectual property protection. The guide will help you identify the kinds of intellectual property you may have in your business and some of the strategies that you can use you protect these valuable assets. There are numerous strategies th

How to Commercialise Your Invention

This is a short guide as how to commercialise your invention. 1) Prepare Business Plan To start to commercialise any invention, it is best to start planning a Business Plan. The Business Plan needs to cover at least: what are your target markets, who are your competitors, why would customers choose your invention, cost of production, sale price and l

Registered Design Process Flowchart

This is the basic process followed by basic Australian applications for registered designs. Please note that overseas design application processing is not shown in the above flowchart. Please call Alder IP for more

Free Guide to Australian Patents

Alder IP has published a free guide to patents which is downloadable. This guide aims to give you a basic background in patents from an Australian perspective and allows to understand some of the complexities involved with patenting your invention. The guide will also allows you to gain a basic insight into the general steps and costs involved with obtaining a granted patent. The guide also explains the patent process